Source code for tcod.event

"""A light-weight implementation of event handling built on calls to SDL.

Many event constants are derived directly from SDL.
For example: ``tcod.event.KeySym.UP`` and ``tcod.event.Scancode.A`` refer to
SDL's ``SDLK_UP`` and ``SDL_SCANCODE_A`` respectfully.
`See this table for all of SDL's keyboard constants.

Printing any event will tell you its attributes in a human readable format.
An events type attribute if omitted is just the classes name with all letters upper-case.

As a general guideline, you should use :any:`KeyboardEvent.sym` for command inputs,
and :any:`TextInput.text` for name entry fields.


    import tcod

        tcod.event.KeySym.UP: "move N",
        tcod.event.KeySym.DOWN: "move S",
        tcod.event.KeySym.LEFT: "move W",
        tcod.event.KeySym.RIGHT: "move E",

    context =
    while True:
        console = context.new_console()
        context.present(console, integer_scaling=True)
        for event in tcod.event.wait():
            context.convert_event(event)  # Adds tile coordinates to mouse events.
            if isinstance(event, tcod.event.Quit):
                raise SystemExit()
            elif isinstance(event, tcod.event.KeyDown):
                print(event)  # Prints the Scancode and KeySym enums for this event.
                if event.sym in KEY_COMMANDS:
                    print(f"Command: {KEY_COMMANDS[event.sym]}")
            elif isinstance(event, tcod.event.MouseButtonDown):
                print(event)  # Prints the mouse button constant names for this event.
            elif isinstance(event, tcod.event.MouseMotion):
                print(event)  # Prints the mouse button mask bits in a readable format.
                print(event)  # Print any unhandled events.

Python 3.10 introduced `match statements <>`_
which can be used to dispatch events more gracefully:


    import tcod

        tcod.event.KeySym.UP: "move N",
        tcod.event.KeySym.DOWN: "move S",
        tcod.event.KeySym.LEFT: "move W",
        tcod.event.KeySym.RIGHT: "move E",

    context =
    while True:
        console = context.new_console()
        context.present(console, integer_scaling=True)
        for event in tcod.event.wait():
            context.convert_event(event)  # Adds tile coordinates to mouse events.
            match event:
                case tcod.event.Quit():
                    raise SystemExit()
                case tcod.event.KeyDown(sym) if sym in KEY_COMMANDS:
                    print(f"Command: {KEY_COMMANDS[sym]}")
                case tcod.event.KeyDown(sym=sym, scancode=scancode, mod=mod, repeat=repeat):
                    print(f"KeyDown: {sym=}, {scancode=}, {mod=}, {repeat=}")
                case tcod.event.MouseButtonDown(button=button, pixel=pixel, tile=tile):
                    print(f"MouseButtonDown: {button=}, {pixel=}, {tile=}")
                case tcod.event.MouseMotion(pixel=pixel, pixel_motion=pixel_motion, tile=tile, tile_motion=tile_motion):
                    print(f"MouseMotion: {pixel=}, {pixel_motion=}, {tile=}, {tile_motion=}")
                case tcod.event.Event() as event:
                    print(event)  # Show any unhandled events.

.. versionadded:: 8.4

from __future__ import annotations

import enum
import warnings
from typing import Any, Callable, Final, Generic, Iterator, Mapping, NamedTuple, TypeVar

import numpy as np
from numpy.typing import NDArray
from typing_extensions import Literal

import tcod.event_constants
import tcod.sdl.joystick
import tcod.sdl.sys
from tcod.cffi import ffi, lib
from tcod.event_constants import *  # noqa: F403
from tcod.event_constants import KMOD_ALT, KMOD_CTRL, KMOD_GUI, KMOD_SHIFT
from tcod.sdl.joystick import _HAT_DIRECTIONS

T = TypeVar("T")

class _ConstantsWithPrefix(Mapping[int, str]):
    def __init__(self, constants: Mapping[int, str]) -> None:
        self.constants = constants

    def __getitem__(self, key: int) -> str:
        return "tcod.event." + self.constants[key]

    def __len__(self) -> int:
        return len(self.constants)

    def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[int]:
        return iter(self.constants)

def _describe_bitmask(bits: int, table: Mapping[int, str], default: str = "0") -> str:
    """Return a bitmask in human readable form.

    This is a private function, used internally.

    `bits` is the bitmask to be represented.

    `table` is a reverse lookup table.

    `default` is returned when no other bits can be represented.
    result = []
    for bit, name in table.items():
        if bit & bits:
    if not result:
        return default
    return "|".join(result)

def _pixel_to_tile(x: float, y: float) -> tuple[float, float] | None:
    """Convert pixel coordinates to tile coordinates."""
    if not lib.TCOD_ctx.engine:
        return None
    xy ="double[2]", (x, y))
    lib.TCOD_sys_pixel_to_tile(xy, xy + 1)
    return xy[0], xy[1]

[docs] class Point(NamedTuple): """A 2D position used for events with mouse coordinates. .. seealso:: :any:`MouseMotion` :any:`MouseButtonDown` :any:`MouseButtonUp` """ x: int """A pixel or tile coordinate starting with zero as the left-most position.""" y: int """A pixel or tile coordinate starting with zero as the top-most position."""
def _verify_tile_coordinates(xy: Point | None) -> Point: """Check if an events tile coordinate is initialized and warn if not. Always returns a valid Point object for backwards compatibility. """ if xy is not None: return xy warnings.warn( "This events tile coordinates are uninitialized!" "\nYou MUST pass this event to `Context.convert_event` before you can" " read its tile attributes.", RuntimeWarning, stacklevel=3, # Called within other functions, never directly. ) return Point(0, 0) def _init_sdl_video() -> None: """Keyboard layout stuff needs SDL to be initialized first.""" if lib.SDL_WasInit(lib.SDL_INIT_VIDEO): return lib.SDL_InitSubSystem(lib.SDL_INIT_VIDEO)
[docs] class Modifier(enum.IntFlag): """Keyboard modifier flags, a bit-field of held modifier keys. Use `bitwise and` to check if a modifier key is held. The following example shows some common ways of checking modifiers. All non-zero return values are considered true. Example:: >>> mod = tcod.event.Modifier(4098) >>> mod & tcod.event.Modifier.SHIFT # Check if any shift key is held. <Modifier.RSHIFT: 2> >>> mod & tcod.event.Modifier.LSHIFT # Check if left shift key is held. <Modifier.NONE: 0> >>> not mod & tcod.event.Modifier.LSHIFT # Check if left shift key is NOT held. True >>> mod & tcod.event.Modifier.SHIFT and mod & tcod.event.Modifier.CTRL # Check if Shift+Control is held. <Modifier.NONE: 0> .. versionadded:: 12.3 """ NONE = 0 LSHIFT = 1 """Left shift.""" RSHIFT = 2 """Right shift.""" SHIFT = LSHIFT | RSHIFT """LSHIFT | RSHIFT""" LCTRL = 64 """Left control.""" RCTRL = 128 """Right control.""" CTRL = LCTRL | RCTRL """LCTRL | RCTRL""" LALT = 256 """Left alt.""" RALT = 512 """Right alt.""" ALT = LALT | RALT """LALT | RALT""" LGUI = 1024 """Left meta key.""" RGUI = 2048 """Right meta key.""" GUI = LGUI | RGUI """LGUI | RGUI""" NUM = 4096 """Numpad lock.""" CAPS = 8192 """Caps lock.""" MODE = 16384 """Alt graph."""
class MouseButton(enum.IntEnum): """An enum for mouse buttons. .. versionadded:: 16.1 """ LEFT = 1 """Left mouse button.""" MIDDLE = 2 """Middle mouse button.""" RIGHT = 3 """Right mouse button.""" X1 = 4 """Back mouse button.""" X2 = 5 """Forward mouse button.""" def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"{self.__class__.__name__}.{}" class MouseButtonMask(enum.IntFlag): """A mask enum for held mouse buttons. .. versionadded:: 16.1 """ LEFT = 0x1 """Left mouse button is held.""" MIDDLE = 0x2 """Middle mouse button is held.""" RIGHT = 0x4 """Right mouse button is held.""" X1 = 0x8 """Back mouse button is held.""" X2 = 0x10 """Forward mouse button is held.""" def __repr__(self) -> str: if self.value == 0: return f"{self.__class__.__name__}(0)" return "|".join(f"{self.__class__.__name__}.{self.__class__(bit).name}" for bit in self.__class__ if bit & self)
[docs] class Event: """The base event class. Attributes: type (str): This events type. sdl_event: When available, this holds a python-cffi 'SDL_Event*' pointer. All sub-classes have this attribute. """ def __init__(self, type: str | None = None) -> None: if type is None: type = self.__class__.__name__.upper() self.type: Final = type self.sdl_event = None
[docs] @classmethod def from_sdl_event(cls, sdl_event: Any) -> Event: """Return a class instance from a python-cffi 'SDL_Event*' pointer.""" raise NotImplementedError()
def __str__(self) -> str: return f"<type={self.type!r}>"
[docs] class Quit(Event): """An application quit request event. For more info on when this event is triggered see: Attributes: type (str): Always "QUIT". """
[docs] @classmethod def from_sdl_event(cls, sdl_event: Any) -> Quit: self = cls() self.sdl_event = sdl_event return self
def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"tcod.event.{self.__class__.__name__}()"
[docs] class KeyboardEvent(Event): """Base keyboard event. Attributes: type (str): Will be "KEYDOWN" or "KEYUP", depending on the event. scancode (Scancode): The keyboard scan-code, this is the physical location of the key on the keyboard rather than the keys symbol. sym (KeySym): The keyboard symbol. mod (Modifier): A bitmask of the currently held modifier keys. For example, if shift is held then ``event.mod & tcod.event.Modifier.SHIFT`` will evaluate to a true value. repeat (bool): True if this event exists because of key repeat. .. versionchanged:: 12.5 `scancode`, `sym`, and `mod` now use their respective enums. """ def __init__(self, scancode: int, sym: int, mod: int, repeat: bool = False) -> None: super().__init__() self.scancode = Scancode(scancode) self.sym = KeySym(sym) self.mod = Modifier(mod) self.repeat = repeat
[docs] @classmethod def from_sdl_event(cls, sdl_event: Any) -> Any: keysym = sdl_event.key.keysym self = cls(keysym.scancode, keysym.sym, keysym.mod, bool(sdl_event.key.repeat)) self.sdl_event = sdl_event return self
def __repr__(self) -> str: return "tcod.event.{}(scancode={!r}, sym={!r}, mod={!r}{})".format( self.__class__.__name__, self.scancode, self.sym, self.mod, ", repeat=True" if self.repeat else "", ) def __str__(self) -> str: return self.__repr__().replace("tcod.event.", "")
[docs] class KeyDown(KeyboardEvent): pass
[docs] class KeyUp(KeyboardEvent): pass
class MouseState(Event): """Mouse state. Attributes: type (str): Always "MOUSESTATE". position (Point): The position coordinates of the mouse. tile (Point): The integer tile coordinates of the mouse on the screen. state (int): A bitmask of which mouse buttons are currently held. Will be a combination of the following names: * tcod.event.BUTTON_LMASK * tcod.event.BUTTON_MMASK * tcod.event.BUTTON_RMASK * tcod.event.BUTTON_X1MASK * tcod.event.BUTTON_X2MASK .. versionadded:: 9.3 .. versionchanged:: 15.0 Renamed `pixel` attribute to `position`. """ def __init__( self, position: tuple[int, int] = (0, 0), tile: tuple[int, int] | None = (0, 0), state: int = 0, ) -> None: super().__init__() self.position = Point(*position) self._tile = Point(*tile) if tile is not None else None self.state = state @property def pixel(self) -> Point: warnings.warn( "The mouse.pixel attribute is deprecated. Use mouse.position instead.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) return self.position @pixel.setter def pixel(self, value: Point) -> None: self.position = value @property def tile(self) -> Point: warnings.warn( "The mouse.tile attribute is deprecated. Use mouse.position of the event returned by context.convert_event instead.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) return _verify_tile_coordinates(self._tile) @tile.setter def tile(self, xy: tuple[int, int]) -> None: self._tile = Point(*xy) def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"tcod.event.{self.__class__.__name__}(position={tuple(self.position)!r}, tile={tuple(self.tile)!r}, state={MouseButtonMask(self.state)})" def __str__(self) -> str: return ("<%s, position=(x=%i, y=%i), tile=(x=%i, y=%i), state=%s>") % ( super().__str__().strip("<>"), *self.position, *self.tile, MouseButtonMask(self.state), )
[docs] class MouseMotion(MouseState): """Mouse motion event. Attributes: type (str): Always "MOUSEMOTION". position (Point): The pixel coordinates of the mouse. motion (Point): The pixel delta. tile (Point): The integer tile coordinates of the mouse on the screen. tile_motion (Point): The integer tile delta. state (int): A bitmask of which mouse buttons are currently held. Will be a combination of the following names: * tcod.event.BUTTON_LMASK * tcod.event.BUTTON_MMASK * tcod.event.BUTTON_RMASK * tcod.event.BUTTON_X1MASK * tcod.event.BUTTON_X2MASK .. versionchanged:: 15.0 Renamed `pixel` attribute to `position`. Renamed `pixel_motion` attribute to `motion`. """ def __init__( self, position: tuple[int, int] = (0, 0), motion: tuple[int, int] = (0, 0), tile: tuple[int, int] | None = (0, 0), tile_motion: tuple[int, int] | None = (0, 0), state: int = 0, ) -> None: super().__init__(position, tile, state) self.motion = Point(*motion) self.__tile_motion = Point(*tile_motion) if tile_motion is not None else None @property def pixel_motion(self) -> Point: warnings.warn( "The mouse.pixel_motion attribute is deprecated. Use mouse.motion instead.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) return self.motion @pixel_motion.setter def pixel_motion(self, value: Point) -> None: warnings.warn( "The mouse.pixel_motion attribute is deprecated. Use mouse.motion instead.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) self.motion = value @property def tile_motion(self) -> Point: warnings.warn( "The mouse.tile_motion attribute is deprecated." " Use mouse.motion of the event returned by context.convert_event instead.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) return _verify_tile_coordinates(self.__tile_motion) @tile_motion.setter def tile_motion(self, xy: tuple[int, int]) -> None: warnings.warn( "The mouse.tile_motion attribute is deprecated." " Use mouse.motion of the event returned by context.convert_event instead.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) self.__tile_motion = Point(*xy)
[docs] @classmethod def from_sdl_event(cls, sdl_event: Any) -> MouseMotion: motion = sdl_event.motion pixel = motion.x, motion.y pixel_motion = motion.xrel, motion.yrel subtile = _pixel_to_tile(*pixel) if subtile is None: self = cls(pixel, pixel_motion, None, None, motion.state) else: tile = int(subtile[0]), int(subtile[1]) prev_pixel = pixel[0] - pixel_motion[0], pixel[1] - pixel_motion[1] prev_subtile = _pixel_to_tile(*prev_pixel) or (0, 0) prev_tile = int(prev_subtile[0]), int(prev_subtile[1]) tile_motion = tile[0] - prev_tile[0], tile[1] - prev_tile[1] self = cls(pixel, pixel_motion, tile, tile_motion, motion.state) self.sdl_event = sdl_event return self
def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"tcod.event.{self.__class__.__name__}(position={tuple(self.position)!r}, motion={tuple(self.motion)!r}, tile={tuple(self.tile)!r}, tile_motion={tuple(self.tile_motion)!r}, state={MouseButtonMask(self.state)!r})" def __str__(self) -> str: return ("<%s, motion=(x=%i, y=%i), tile_motion=(x=%i, y=%i)>") % ( super().__str__().strip("<>"), *self.motion, *self.tile_motion, )
[docs] class MouseButtonEvent(MouseState): """Mouse button event. Attributes: type (str): Will be "MOUSEBUTTONDOWN" or "MOUSEBUTTONUP", depending on the event. position (Point): The pixel coordinates of the mouse. tile (Point): The integer tile coordinates of the mouse on the screen. button (int): Which mouse button. This will be one of the following names: * tcod.event.BUTTON_LEFT * tcod.event.BUTTON_MIDDLE * tcod.event.BUTTON_RIGHT * tcod.event.BUTTON_X1 * tcod.event.BUTTON_X2 """ def __init__( self, pixel: tuple[int, int] = (0, 0), tile: tuple[int, int] | None = (0, 0), button: int = 0, ) -> None: super().__init__(pixel, tile, button) @property def button(self) -> int: return self.state @button.setter def button(self, value: int) -> None: self.state = value
[docs] @classmethod def from_sdl_event(cls, sdl_event: Any) -> Any: button = sdl_event.button pixel = button.x, button.y subtile = _pixel_to_tile(*pixel) if subtile is None: tile: tuple[int, int] | None = None else: tile = int(subtile[0]), int(subtile[1]) self = cls(pixel, tile, button.button) self.sdl_event = sdl_event return self
def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"tcod.event.{self.__class__.__name__}(position={tuple(self.position)!r}, tile={tuple(self.tile)!r}, button={MouseButton(self.button)!r})" def __str__(self) -> str: return "<type=%r, position=(x=%i, y=%i), tile=(x=%i, y=%i), button=%r)" % ( self.type, *self.position, *self.tile, MouseButton(self.button), )
[docs] class MouseButtonDown(MouseButtonEvent): """Same as MouseButtonEvent but with ``type="MouseButtonDown"``."""
[docs] class MouseButtonUp(MouseButtonEvent): """Same as MouseButtonEvent but with ``type="MouseButtonUp"``."""
[docs] class MouseWheel(Event): """Mouse wheel event. Attributes: type (str): Always "MOUSEWHEEL". x (int): Horizontal scrolling. A positive value means scrolling right. y (int): Vertical scrolling. A positive value means scrolling away from the user. flipped (bool): If True then the values of `x` and `y` are the opposite of their usual values. This depends on the settings of the Operating System. """ def __init__(self, x: int, y: int, flipped: bool = False) -> None: super().__init__() self.x = x self.y = y self.flipped = flipped
[docs] @classmethod def from_sdl_event(cls, sdl_event: Any) -> MouseWheel: wheel = sdl_event.wheel self = cls(wheel.x, wheel.y, bool(wheel.direction)) self.sdl_event = sdl_event return self
def __repr__(self) -> str: return "tcod.event.%s(x=%i, y=%i%s)" % ( self.__class__.__name__, self.x, self.y, ", flipped=True" if self.flipped else "", ) def __str__(self) -> str: return "<%s, x=%i, y=%i, flipped=%r)" % ( super().__str__().strip("<>"), self.x, self.y, self.flipped, )
[docs] class TextInput(Event): """SDL text input event. Attributes: type (str): Always "TEXTINPUT". text (str): A Unicode string with the input. """ def __init__(self, text: str) -> None: super().__init__() self.text = text
[docs] @classmethod def from_sdl_event(cls, sdl_event: Any) -> TextInput: self = cls(ffi.string(sdl_event.text.text, 32).decode("utf8")) self.sdl_event = sdl_event return self
def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"tcod.event.{self.__class__.__name__}(text={self.text!r})" def __str__(self) -> str: return "<{}, text={!r})".format(super().__str__().strip("<>"), self.text)
[docs] class WindowEvent(Event): """A window event.""" type: Final[ # type: ignore[misc] # Narrowing final type. Literal[ "WindowShown", "WindowHidden", "WindowExposed", "WindowMoved", "WindowResized", "WindowSizeChanged", "WindowMinimized", "WindowMaximized", "WindowRestored", "WindowEnter", "WindowLeave", "WindowFocusGained", "WindowFocusLost", "WindowClose", "WindowTakeFocus", "WindowHitTest", ] ] """The current window event. This can be one of various options."""
[docs] @classmethod def from_sdl_event(cls, sdl_event: Any) -> WindowEvent | Undefined: if sdl_event.window.event not in cls.__WINDOW_TYPES: return Undefined.from_sdl_event(sdl_event) event_type: Final = cls.__WINDOW_TYPES[sdl_event.window.event] self: WindowEvent if sdl_event.window.event == lib.SDL_WINDOWEVENT_MOVED: self = WindowMoved(sdl_event.window.data1, sdl_event.window.data2) elif sdl_event.window.event in ( lib.SDL_WINDOWEVENT_RESIZED, lib.SDL_WINDOWEVENT_SIZE_CHANGED, ): self = WindowResized(event_type, sdl_event.window.data1, sdl_event.window.data2) else: self = cls(event_type) self.sdl_event = sdl_event return self
def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"tcod.event.{self.__class__.__name__}(type={self.type!r})" __WINDOW_TYPES: Final = { lib.SDL_WINDOWEVENT_SHOWN: "WindowShown", lib.SDL_WINDOWEVENT_HIDDEN: "WindowHidden", lib.SDL_WINDOWEVENT_EXPOSED: "WindowExposed", lib.SDL_WINDOWEVENT_MOVED: "WindowMoved", lib.SDL_WINDOWEVENT_RESIZED: "WindowResized", lib.SDL_WINDOWEVENT_SIZE_CHANGED: "WindowSizeChanged", lib.SDL_WINDOWEVENT_MINIMIZED: "WindowMinimized", lib.SDL_WINDOWEVENT_MAXIMIZED: "WindowMaximized", lib.SDL_WINDOWEVENT_RESTORED: "WindowRestored", lib.SDL_WINDOWEVENT_ENTER: "WindowEnter", lib.SDL_WINDOWEVENT_LEAVE: "WindowLeave", lib.SDL_WINDOWEVENT_FOCUS_GAINED: "WindowFocusGained", lib.SDL_WINDOWEVENT_FOCUS_LOST: "WindowFocusLost", lib.SDL_WINDOWEVENT_CLOSE: "WindowClose", lib.SDL_WINDOWEVENT_TAKE_FOCUS: "WindowTakeFocus", lib.SDL_WINDOWEVENT_HIT_TEST: "WindowHitTest", }
[docs] class WindowMoved(WindowEvent): """Window moved event. Attributes: x (int): Movement on the x-axis. y (int): Movement on the y-axis. """ type: Final[Literal["WINDOWMOVED"]] # type: ignore[assignment,misc] """Always "WINDOWMOVED".""" def __init__(self, x: int, y: int) -> None: super().__init__(None) self.x = x self.y = y def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"tcod.event.{self.__class__.__name__}(type={self.type!r}, x={self.x!r}, y={self.y!r})" def __str__(self) -> str: return "<{}, x={!r}, y={!r})".format( super().__str__().strip("<>"), self.x, self.y, )
[docs] class WindowResized(WindowEvent): """Window resized event. Attributes: width (int): The current width of the window. height (int): The current height of the window. """ type: Final[Literal["WindowResized", "WindowSizeChanged"]] # type: ignore[misc] """WindowResized" or "WindowSizeChanged""" def __init__(self, type: str, width: int, height: int) -> None: super().__init__(type) self.width = width self.height = height def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"tcod.event.{self.__class__.__name__}(type={self.type!r}, width={self.width!r}, height={self.height!r})" def __str__(self) -> str: return "<{}, width={!r}, height={!r})".format( super().__str__().strip("<>"), self.width, self.height, )
[docs] class JoystickEvent(Event): """A base class for joystick events. .. versionadded:: 13.8 """ def __init__(self, type: str, which: int) -> None: super().__init__(type) self.which = which """The ID of the joystick this event is for.""" @property def joystick(self) -> tcod.sdl.joystick.Joystick: if self.type == "JOYDEVICEADDED": return tcod.sdl.joystick.Joystick._open(self.which) return tcod.sdl.joystick.Joystick._from_instance_id(self.which) def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"tcod.event.{self.__class__.__name__}" f"(type={self.type!r}, which={self.which})" def __str__(self) -> str: prefix = super().__str__().strip("<>") return f"<{prefix}, which={self.which}>"
[docs] class JoystickAxis(JoystickEvent): """When a joystick axis changes in value. .. versionadded:: 13.8 .. seealso:: :any:`tcod.sdl.joystick` """ which: int """The ID of the joystick this event is for.""" def __init__(self, type: str, which: int, axis: int, value: int) -> None: super().__init__(type, which) self.axis = axis """The index of the changed axis.""" self.value = value """The raw value of the axis in the range -32768 to 32767."""
[docs] @classmethod def from_sdl_event(cls, sdl_event: Any) -> JoystickAxis: return cls("JOYAXISMOTION", sdl_event.jaxis.which, sdl_event.jaxis.axis, sdl_event.jaxis.value)
def __repr__(self) -> str: return ( f"tcod.event.{self.__class__.__name__}" f"(type={self.type!r}, which={self.which}, axis={self.axis}, value={self.value})" ) def __str__(self) -> str: prefix = super().__str__().strip("<>") return f"<{prefix}, axis={self.axis}, value={self.value}>"
[docs] class JoystickBall(JoystickEvent): """When a joystick ball is moved. .. versionadded:: 13.8 .. seealso:: :any:`tcod.sdl.joystick` """ which: int """The ID of the joystick this event is for.""" def __init__(self, type: str, which: int, ball: int, dx: int, dy: int) -> None: super().__init__(type, which) self.ball = ball """The index of the moved ball.""" self.dx = dx """The X motion of the ball.""" self.dy = dy """The Y motion of the ball."""
[docs] @classmethod def from_sdl_event(cls, sdl_event: Any) -> JoystickBall: return cls( "JOYBALLMOTION", sdl_event.jball.which, sdl_event.jball.ball, sdl_event.jball.xrel, sdl_event.jball.yrel )
def __repr__(self) -> str: return ( f"tcod.event.{self.__class__.__name__}" f"(type={self.type!r}, which={self.which}, ball={self.ball}, dx={self.dx}, dy={self.dy})" ) def __str__(self) -> str: prefix = super().__str__().strip("<>") return f"<{prefix}, ball={self.ball}, dx={self.dx}, dy={self.dy}>"
[docs] class JoystickHat(JoystickEvent): """When a joystick hat changes direction. .. versionadded:: 13.8 .. seealso:: :any:`tcod.sdl.joystick` """ which: int """The ID of the joystick this event is for.""" def __init__(self, type: str, which: int, x: Literal[-1, 0, 1], y: Literal[-1, 0, 1]) -> None: super().__init__(type, which) self.x = x """The new X direction of the hat.""" self.y = y """The new Y direction of the hat."""
[docs] @classmethod def from_sdl_event(cls, sdl_event: Any) -> JoystickHat: return cls("JOYHATMOTION", sdl_event.jhat.which, *_HAT_DIRECTIONS[sdl_event.jhat.hat])
def __repr__(self) -> str: return ( f"tcod.event.{self.__class__.__name__}" f"(type={self.type!r}, which={self.which}, x={self.x}, y={self.y})" ) def __str__(self) -> str: prefix = super().__str__().strip("<>") return f"<{prefix}, x={self.x}, y={self.y}>"
[docs] class JoystickButton(JoystickEvent): """When a joystick button is pressed or released. .. versionadded:: 13.8 Example:: for event in tcod.event.get(): match event: case JoystickButton(which=which, button=button, pressed=True): print(f"Pressed {button=} on controller {which}.") case JoystickButton(which=which, button=button, pressed=False): print(f"Released {button=} on controller {which}.") """ which: int """The ID of the joystick this event is for.""" def __init__(self, type: str, which: int, button: int) -> None: super().__init__(type, which) self.button = button """The index of the button this event is for.""" @property def pressed(self) -> bool: """True if the joystick button has been pressed, False when the button was released.""" return self.type == "JOYBUTTONDOWN"
[docs] @classmethod def from_sdl_event(cls, sdl_event: Any) -> JoystickButton: type = {lib.SDL_JOYBUTTONDOWN: "JOYBUTTONDOWN", lib.SDL_JOYBUTTONUP: "JOYBUTTONUP"}[sdl_event.type] return cls(type, sdl_event.jbutton.which, sdl_event.jbutton.button)
def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"tcod.event.{self.__class__.__name__}" f"(type={self.type!r}, which={self.which}, button={self.button})" def __str__(self) -> str: prefix = super().__str__().strip("<>") return f"<{prefix}, button={self.button}>"
[docs] class JoystickDevice(JoystickEvent): """An event for when a joystick is added or removed. .. versionadded:: 13.8 Example:: joysticks: set[tcod.sdl.joystick.Joystick] = {} for event in tcod.event.get(): match event: case tcod.event.JoystickDevice(type="JOYDEVICEADDED", joystick=new_joystick): joysticks.add(new_joystick) case tcod.event.JoystickDevice(type="JOYDEVICEREMOVED", joystick=joystick): joysticks.remove(joystick) """ type: Final[Literal["JOYDEVICEADDED", "JOYDEVICEREMOVED"]] # type: ignore[misc] which: int """When type="JOYDEVICEADDED" this is the device ID. When type="JOYDEVICEREMOVED" this is the instance ID. """
[docs] @classmethod def from_sdl_event(cls, sdl_event: Any) -> JoystickDevice: type = {lib.SDL_JOYDEVICEADDED: "JOYDEVICEADDED", lib.SDL_JOYDEVICEREMOVED: "JOYDEVICEREMOVED"}[sdl_event.type] return cls(type, sdl_event.jdevice.which)
[docs] class ControllerEvent(Event): """Base class for controller events. .. versionadded:: 13.8 """ def __init__(self, type: str, which: int) -> None: super().__init__(type) self.which = which """The ID of the joystick this event is for.""" @property def controller(self) -> tcod.sdl.joystick.GameController: """The :any:`GameController` for this event.""" if self.type == "CONTROLLERDEVICEADDED": return tcod.sdl.joystick.GameController._open(self.which) return tcod.sdl.joystick.GameController._from_instance_id(self.which) def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"tcod.event.{self.__class__.__name__}" f"(type={self.type!r}, which={self.which})" def __str__(self) -> str: prefix = super().__str__().strip("<>") return f"<{prefix}, which={self.which}>"
[docs] class ControllerAxis(ControllerEvent): """When a controller axis is moved. .. versionadded:: 13.8 """ type: Final[Literal["CONTROLLERAXISMOTION"]] # type: ignore[misc] def __init__(self, type: str, which: int, axis: tcod.sdl.joystick.ControllerAxis, value: int) -> None: super().__init__(type, which) self.axis = axis """Which axis is being moved. One of :any:`ControllerAxis`.""" self.value = value """The new value of this events axis. This will be -32768 to 32767 for all axes except for triggers which are 0 to 32767 instead."""
[docs] @classmethod def from_sdl_event(cls, sdl_event: Any) -> ControllerAxis: return cls( "CONTROLLERAXISMOTION", sdl_event.caxis.which, tcod.sdl.joystick.ControllerAxis(sdl_event.caxis.axis), sdl_event.caxis.value, )
def __repr__(self) -> str: return ( f"tcod.event.{self.__class__.__name__}" f"(type={self.type!r}, which={self.which}, axis={self.axis}, value={self.value})" ) def __str__(self) -> str: prefix = super().__str__().strip("<>") return f"<{prefix}, axis={self.axis}, value={self.value}>"
[docs] class ControllerButton(ControllerEvent): """When a controller button is pressed or released. .. versionadded:: 13.8 """ type: Final[Literal["CONTROLLERBUTTONDOWN", "CONTROLLERBUTTONUP"]] # type: ignore[misc] def __init__(self, type: str, which: int, button: tcod.sdl.joystick.ControllerButton, pressed: bool) -> None: super().__init__(type, which) self.button = button """The button for this event. One of :any:`ControllerButton`.""" self.pressed = pressed """True if the button was pressed, False if it was released."""
[docs] @classmethod def from_sdl_event(cls, sdl_event: Any) -> ControllerButton: type = { lib.SDL_CONTROLLERBUTTONDOWN: "CONTROLLERBUTTONDOWN", lib.SDL_CONTROLLERBUTTONUP: "CONTROLLERBUTTONUP", }[sdl_event.type] return cls( type, sdl_event.cbutton.which, tcod.sdl.joystick.ControllerButton(sdl_event.cbutton.button), sdl_event.cbutton.state == lib.SDL_PRESSED, )
def __repr__(self) -> str: return ( f"tcod.event.{self.__class__.__name__}" f"(type={self.type!r}, which={self.which}, button={self.button}, pressed={self.pressed})" ) def __str__(self) -> str: prefix = super().__str__().strip("<>") return f"<{prefix}, button={self.button}, pressed={self.pressed}>"
[docs] class ControllerDevice(ControllerEvent): """When a controller is added, removed, or remapped. .. versionadded:: 13.8 """ type: Final[Literal["CONTROLLERDEVICEADDED", "CONTROLLERDEVICEREMOVED", "CONTROLLERDEVICEREMAPPED"]] # type: ignore[misc]
[docs] @classmethod def from_sdl_event(cls, sdl_event: Any) -> ControllerDevice: type = { lib.SDL_CONTROLLERDEVICEADDED: "CONTROLLERDEVICEADDED", lib.SDL_CONTROLLERDEVICEREMOVED: "CONTROLLERDEVICEREMOVED", lib.SDL_CONTROLLERDEVICEREMAPPED: "CONTROLLERDEVICEREMAPPED", }[sdl_event.type] return cls(type, sdl_event.cdevice.which)
[docs] class Undefined(Event): """This class is a place holder for SDL events without their own tcod.event class.""" def __init__(self) -> None: super().__init__("")
[docs] @classmethod def from_sdl_event(cls, sdl_event: Any) -> Undefined: self = cls() self.sdl_event = sdl_event return self
def __str__(self) -> str: if self.sdl_event: return "<Undefined sdl_event.type=%i>" % self.sdl_event.type return "<Undefined>"
_SDL_TO_CLASS_TABLE: dict[int, type[Event]] = { lib.SDL_QUIT: Quit, lib.SDL_KEYDOWN: KeyDown, lib.SDL_KEYUP: KeyUp, lib.SDL_MOUSEMOTION: MouseMotion, lib.SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: MouseButtonDown, lib.SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP: MouseButtonUp, lib.SDL_MOUSEWHEEL: MouseWheel, lib.SDL_TEXTINPUT: TextInput, lib.SDL_WINDOWEVENT: WindowEvent, lib.SDL_JOYAXISMOTION: JoystickAxis, lib.SDL_JOYBALLMOTION: JoystickBall, lib.SDL_JOYHATMOTION: JoystickHat, lib.SDL_JOYBUTTONDOWN: JoystickButton, lib.SDL_JOYBUTTONUP: JoystickButton, lib.SDL_JOYDEVICEADDED: JoystickDevice, lib.SDL_JOYDEVICEREMOVED: JoystickDevice, lib.SDL_CONTROLLERAXISMOTION: ControllerAxis, lib.SDL_CONTROLLERBUTTONDOWN: ControllerButton, lib.SDL_CONTROLLERBUTTONUP: ControllerButton, lib.SDL_CONTROLLERDEVICEADDED: ControllerDevice, lib.SDL_CONTROLLERDEVICEREMOVED: ControllerDevice, lib.SDL_CONTROLLERDEVICEREMAPPED: ControllerDevice, } def _parse_event(sdl_event: Any) -> Event: """Convert a C SDL_Event* type into a tcod Event sub-class.""" if sdl_event.type not in _SDL_TO_CLASS_TABLE: return Undefined.from_sdl_event(sdl_event) return _SDL_TO_CLASS_TABLE[sdl_event.type].from_sdl_event(sdl_event)
[docs] def get() -> Iterator[Any]: """Return an iterator for all pending events. Events are processed as the iterator is consumed. Breaking out of, or discarding the iterator will leave the remaining events on the event queue. It is also safe to call this function inside of a loop that is already handling events (the event iterator is reentrant.) """ if not lib.SDL_WasInit(tcod.sdl.sys.Subsystem.EVENTS): warnings.warn( "Events polled before SDL was initialized.", RuntimeWarning, stacklevel=1, ) return sdl_event ="SDL_Event*") while lib.SDL_PollEvent(sdl_event): if sdl_event.type in _SDL_TO_CLASS_TABLE: yield _SDL_TO_CLASS_TABLE[sdl_event.type].from_sdl_event(sdl_event) else: yield Undefined.from_sdl_event(sdl_event)
[docs] def wait(timeout: float | None = None) -> Iterator[Any]: """Block until events exist, then return an event iterator. `timeout` is the maximum number of seconds to wait as a floating point number with millisecond precision, or it can be None to wait forever. Returns the same iterator as a call to :any:`tcod.event.get`. This function is useful for simple games with little to no animations. The following example sleeps whenever no events are queued: Example:: context: tcod.context.Context # Context object initialized earlier. while True: # Main game-loop. console: tcod.console.Console # Console used for rendering. ... # Render the frame to `console` and then: context.present(console) # Show the console to the display. # The ordering to draw first before waiting for events is important. for event in tcod.event.wait(): # Sleeps until the next events exist. ... # All events are handled at once before the next frame. See :any:`tcod.event.get` examples for how different events are handled. """ if timeout is not None: lib.SDL_WaitEventTimeout(ffi.NULL, int(timeout * 1000)) else: lib.SDL_WaitEvent(ffi.NULL) return get()
[docs] class EventDispatch(Generic[T]): '''Dispatches events to methods depending on the events type attribute. To use this class, make a sub-class and override the relevant `ev_*` methods. Then send events to the dispatch method. .. versionchanged:: 11.12 This is now a generic class. The type hints at the return value of :any:`dispatch` and the `ev_*` methods. Example:: import tcod MOVE_KEYS = { # key_symbol: (x, y) # Arrow keys. tcod.event.KeySym.LEFT: (-1, 0), tcod.event.KeySym.RIGHT: (1, 0), tcod.event.KeySym.UP: (0, -1), tcod.event.KeySym.DOWN: (0, 1), tcod.event.KeySym.HOME: (-1, -1), tcod.event.KeySym.END: (-1, 1), tcod.event.KeySym.PAGEUP: (1, -1), tcod.event.KeySym.PAGEDOWN: (1, 1), tcod.event.KeySym.PERIOD: (0, 0), # Numpad keys. tcod.event.KeySym.KP_1: (-1, 1), tcod.event.KeySym.KP_2: (0, 1), tcod.event.KeySym.KP_3: (1, 1), tcod.event.KeySym.KP_4: (-1, 0), tcod.event.KeySym.KP_5: (0, 0), tcod.event.KeySym.KP_6: (1, 0), tcod.event.KeySym.KP_7: (-1, -1), tcod.event.KeySym.KP_8: (0, -1), tcod.event.KeySym.KP_9: (1, -1), tcod.event.KeySym.CLEAR: (0, 0), # Numpad `clear` key. # Vi Keys. tcod.event.KeySym.h: (-1, 0), tcod.event.KeySym.j: (0, 1), tcod.event.KeySym.k: (0, -1), tcod.event.KeySym.l: (1, 0), tcod.event.KeySym.y: (-1, -1), tcod.event.KeySym.u: (1, -1), tcod.event.KeySym.b: (-1, 1), tcod.event.KeySym.n: (1, 1), } class State(tcod.event.EventDispatch[None]): """A state-based superclass that converts `events` into `commands`. The configuration used to convert events to commands are hard-coded in this example, but could be modified to be user controlled. Subclasses will override the `cmd_*` methods with their own functionality. There could be a subclass for every individual state of your game. """ def ev_quit(self, event: tcod.event.Quit) -> None: """The window close button was clicked or Alt+F$ was pressed.""" print(event) self.cmd_quit() def ev_keydown(self, event: tcod.event.KeyDown) -> None: """A key was pressed.""" print(event) if event.sym in MOVE_KEYS: # Send movement keys to the cmd_move method with parameters. self.cmd_move(*MOVE_KEYS[event.sym]) elif event.sym == tcod.event.KeySym.ESCAPE: self.cmd_escape() def ev_mousebuttondown(self, event: tcod.event.MouseButtonDown) -> None: """The window was clicked.""" print(event) def ev_mousemotion(self, event: tcod.event.MouseMotion) -> None: """The mouse has moved within the window.""" print(event) def cmd_move(self, x: int, y: int) -> None: """Intent to move: `x` and `y` is the direction, both may be 0.""" print("Command move: " + str((x, y))) def cmd_escape(self) -> None: """Intent to exit this state.""" print("Command escape.") self.cmd_quit() def cmd_quit(self) -> None: """Intent to exit the game.""" print("Command quit.") raise SystemExit() root_console = libtcodpy.console_init_root(80, 60) state = State() while True: libtcodpy.console_flush() for event in tcod.event.wait(): state.dispatch(event) ''' __slots__ = ()
[docs] def dispatch(self, event: Any) -> T | None: """Send an event to an `ev_*` method. `*` will be the `event.type` attribute converted to lower-case. Values returned by `ev_*` calls will be returned by this function. This value always defaults to None for any non-overridden method. .. versionchanged:: 11.12 Now returns the return value of `ev_*` methods. `event.type` values of None are deprecated. """ if event.type is None: warnings.warn( "`event.type` attribute should not be None.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) return None func_name = f"ev_{event.type.lower()}" func: Callable[[Any], T | None] | None = getattr(self, func_name, None) if func is None: warnings.warn(f"{func_name} is missing from this EventDispatch object.", RuntimeWarning, stacklevel=2) return None return func(event)
def event_get(self) -> None: for event in get(): self.dispatch(event) def event_wait(self, timeout: float | None) -> None: wait(timeout) self.event_get()
[docs] def ev_quit(self, event: tcod.event.Quit) -> T | None: """Called when the termination of the program is requested."""
[docs] def ev_keydown(self, event: tcod.event.KeyDown) -> T | None: """Called when a keyboard key is pressed or repeated."""
[docs] def ev_keyup(self, event: tcod.event.KeyUp) -> T | None: """Called when a keyboard key is released."""
[docs] def ev_mousemotion(self, event: tcod.event.MouseMotion) -> T | None: """Called when the mouse is moved."""
[docs] def ev_mousebuttondown(self, event: tcod.event.MouseButtonDown) -> T | None: """Called when a mouse button is pressed."""
[docs] def ev_mousebuttonup(self, event: tcod.event.MouseButtonUp) -> T | None: """Called when a mouse button is released."""
[docs] def ev_mousewheel(self, event: tcod.event.MouseWheel) -> T | None: """Called when the mouse wheel is scrolled."""
[docs] def ev_textinput(self, event: tcod.event.TextInput) -> T | None: """Called to handle Unicode input."""
[docs] def ev_windowshown(self, event: tcod.event.WindowEvent) -> T | None: """Called when the window is shown."""
[docs] def ev_windowhidden(self, event: tcod.event.WindowEvent) -> T | None: """Called when the window is hidden."""
[docs] def ev_windowexposed(self, event: tcod.event.WindowEvent) -> T | None: """Called when a window is exposed, and needs to be refreshed. This usually means a call to :any:`libtcodpy.console_flush` is necessary. """
[docs] def ev_windowmoved(self, event: tcod.event.WindowMoved) -> T | None: """Called when the window is moved."""
[docs] def ev_windowresized(self, event: tcod.event.WindowResized) -> T | None: """Called when the window is resized."""
[docs] def ev_windowsizechanged(self, event: tcod.event.WindowResized) -> T | None: """Called when the system or user changes the size of the window."""
[docs] def ev_windowminimized(self, event: tcod.event.WindowEvent) -> T | None: """Called when the window is minimized."""
[docs] def ev_windowmaximized(self, event: tcod.event.WindowEvent) -> T | None: """Called when the window is maximized."""
[docs] def ev_windowrestored(self, event: tcod.event.WindowEvent) -> T | None: """Called when the window is restored."""
[docs] def ev_windowenter(self, event: tcod.event.WindowEvent) -> T | None: """Called when the window gains mouse focus."""
[docs] def ev_windowleave(self, event: tcod.event.WindowEvent) -> T | None: """Called when the window loses mouse focus."""
[docs] def ev_windowfocusgained(self, event: tcod.event.WindowEvent) -> T | None: """Called when the window gains keyboard focus."""
[docs] def ev_windowfocuslost(self, event: tcod.event.WindowEvent) -> T | None: """Called when the window loses keyboard focus."""
[docs] def ev_windowclose(self, event: tcod.event.WindowEvent) -> T | None: """Called when the window manager requests the window to be closed."""
def ev_windowtakefocus(self, event: tcod.event.WindowEvent) -> T | None: pass def ev_windowhittest(self, event: tcod.event.WindowEvent) -> T | None: pass
[docs] def ev_joyaxismotion(self, event: tcod.event.JoystickAxis) -> T | None: """Called when a joystick analog is moved. .. versionadded:: 13.8 """
[docs] def ev_joyballmotion(self, event: tcod.event.JoystickBall) -> T | None: """Called when a joystick ball is moved. .. versionadded:: 13.8 """
[docs] def ev_joyhatmotion(self, event: tcod.event.JoystickHat) -> T | None: """Called when a joystick hat is moved. .. versionadded:: 13.8 """
[docs] def ev_joybuttondown(self, event: tcod.event.JoystickButton) -> T | None: """Called when a joystick button is pressed. .. versionadded:: 13.8 """
[docs] def ev_joybuttonup(self, event: tcod.event.JoystickButton) -> T | None: """Called when a joystick button is released. .. versionadded:: 13.8 """
[docs] def ev_joydeviceadded(self, event: tcod.event.JoystickDevice) -> T | None: """Called when a joystick is added. .. versionadded:: 13.8 """
[docs] def ev_joydeviceremoved(self, event: tcod.event.JoystickDevice) -> T | None: """Called when a joystick is removed. .. versionadded:: 13.8 """
[docs] def ev_controlleraxismotion(self, event: tcod.event.ControllerAxis) -> T | None: """Called when a controller analog is moved. .. versionadded:: 13.8 """
[docs] def ev_controllerbuttondown(self, event: tcod.event.ControllerButton) -> T | None: """Called when a controller button is pressed. .. versionadded:: 13.8 """
[docs] def ev_controllerbuttonup(self, event: tcod.event.ControllerButton) -> T | None: """Called when a controller button is released. .. versionadded:: 13.8 """
[docs] def ev_controllerdeviceadded(self, event: tcod.event.ControllerDevice) -> T | None: """Called when a standard controller is added. .. versionadded:: 13.8 """
[docs] def ev_controllerdeviceremoved(self, event: tcod.event.ControllerDevice) -> T | None: """Called when a standard controller is removed. .. versionadded:: 13.8 """
[docs] def ev_controllerdeviceremapped(self, event: tcod.event.ControllerDevice) -> T | None: """Called when a standard controller is remapped. .. versionadded:: 13.8 """
def ev_(self, event: Any) -> T | None: pass
[docs] def get_mouse_state() -> MouseState: """Return the current state of the mouse. .. versionadded:: 9.3 """ xy ="int[2]") buttons = lib.SDL_GetMouseState(xy, xy + 1) tile = _pixel_to_tile(*xy) if tile is None: return MouseState((xy[0], xy[1]), None, buttons) return MouseState((xy[0], xy[1]), (int(tile[0]), int(tile[1])), buttons)
@ffi.def_extern() # type: ignore def _sdl_event_watcher(userdata: Any, sdl_event: Any) -> int: callback: Callable[[Event], None] = ffi.from_handle(userdata) callback(_parse_event(sdl_event)) return 0 _EventCallback = TypeVar("_EventCallback", bound=Callable[[Event], None]) _event_watch_handles: dict[Callable[[Event], None], Any] = {} # Callbacks and their FFI handles.
[docs] def add_watch(callback: _EventCallback) -> _EventCallback: """Add a callback for watching events. This function can be called with the callback to register, or be used as a decorator. Callbacks added as event watchers can later be removed with :any:`tcod.event.remove_watch`. .. warning:: How uncaught exceptions in a callback are handled is not currently defined by tcod. They will likely be handled by :any:`sys.unraisablehook`. This may be later changed to pass the exception to a :any:`tcod.event.get` or :any:`tcod.event.wait` call. Args: callback (Callable[[Event], None]): A function which accepts :any:`Event` parameters. Example:: import tcod.event @tcod.event.add_watch def handle_events(event: tcod.event.Event) -> None: if isinstance(event, tcod.event.KeyDown): print(event) .. versionadded:: 13.4 """ if callback in _event_watch_handles: warnings.warn( f"{callback} is already an active event watcher, nothing was added.", RuntimeWarning, stacklevel=2 ) return callback handle = _event_watch_handles[callback] = ffi.new_handle(callback) lib.SDL_AddEventWatch(lib._sdl_event_watcher, handle) return callback
[docs] def remove_watch(callback: Callable[[Event], None]) -> None: """Remove a callback as an event watcher. Args: callback (Callable[[Event], None]): A function which has been previously registered with :any:`tcod.event.add_watch`. .. versionadded:: 13.4 """ if callback not in _event_watch_handles: warnings.warn(f"{callback} is not an active event watcher, nothing was removed.", RuntimeWarning, stacklevel=2) return handle = _event_watch_handles[callback] lib.SDL_DelEventWatch(lib._sdl_event_watcher, handle) del _event_watch_handles[callback]
[docs] def get_keyboard_state() -> NDArray[np.bool_]: """Return a boolean array with the current keyboard state. Index this array with a scancode. The value will be True if the key is currently held. Example:: state = tcod.event.get_keyboard_state() # Get a WASD movement vector: x = int(state[tcod.event.Scancode.D]) - int(state[tcod.event.Scancode.A]) y = int(state[tcod.event.Scancode.S]) - int(state[tcod.event.Scancode.W]) # Key with 'z' glyph is held: is_z_held = state[tcod.event.KeySym.z.scancode] .. versionadded:: 12.3 """ num_keys ="int[1]") keyboard_state = lib.SDL_GetKeyboardState(num_keys) out: NDArray[np.bool_] = np.frombuffer(ffi.buffer(keyboard_state[0 : num_keys[0]]), dtype=np.bool_) out.flags["WRITEABLE"] = False # This buffer is supposed to be const. return out
[docs] def get_modifier_state() -> Modifier: """Return a bitmask of the active keyboard modifiers. .. versionadded:: 12.3 """ return Modifier(lib.SDL_GetModState())
[docs] class Scancode(enum.IntEnum): """A Scancode represents the physical location of a key. For example the scan codes for WASD remain in the same physical location regardless of the actual keyboard layout. These names are derived from SDL except for the numbers which are prefixed with ``N`` (since raw numbers can not be a Python name.) .. versionadded:: 12.3 ================== === UNKNOWN 0 A 4 B 5 C 6 D 7 E 8 F 9 G 10 H 11 I 12 J 13 K 14 L 15 M 16 N 17 O 18 P 19 Q 20 R 21 S 22 T 23 U 24 V 25 W 26 X 27 Y 28 Z 29 N1 30 N2 31 N3 32 N4 33 N5 34 N6 35 N7 36 N8 37 N9 38 N0 39 RETURN 40 ESCAPE 41 BACKSPACE 42 TAB 43 SPACE 44 MINUS 45 EQUALS 46 LEFTBRACKET 47 RIGHTBRACKET 48 BACKSLASH 49 NONUSHASH 50 SEMICOLON 51 APOSTROPHE 52 GRAVE 53 COMMA 54 PERIOD 55 SLASH 56 CAPSLOCK 57 F1 58 F2 59 F3 60 F4 61 F5 62 F6 63 F7 64 F8 65 F9 66 F10 67 F11 68 F12 69 PRINTSCREEN 70 SCROLLLOCK 71 PAUSE 72 INSERT 73 HOME 74 PAGEUP 75 DELETE 76 END 77 PAGEDOWN 78 RIGHT 79 LEFT 80 DOWN 81 UP 82 NUMLOCKCLEAR 83 KP_DIVIDE 84 KP_MULTIPLY 85 KP_MINUS 86 KP_PLUS 87 KP_ENTER 88 KP_1 89 KP_2 90 KP_3 91 KP_4 92 KP_5 93 KP_6 94 KP_7 95 KP_8 96 KP_9 97 KP_0 98 KP_PERIOD 99 NONUSBACKSLASH 100 APPLICATION 101 POWER 102 KP_EQUALS 103 F13 104 F14 105 F15 106 F16 107 F17 108 F18 109 F19 110 F20 111 F21 112 F22 113 F23 114 F24 115 EXECUTE 116 HELP 117 MENU 118 SELECT 119 STOP 120 AGAIN 121 UNDO 122 CUT 123 COPY 124 PASTE 125 FIND 126 MUTE 127 VOLUMEUP 128 VOLUMEDOWN 129 KP_COMMA 133 KP_EQUALSAS400 134 INTERNATIONAL1 135 INTERNATIONAL2 136 INTERNATIONAL3 137 INTERNATIONAL4 138 INTERNATIONAL5 139 INTERNATIONAL6 140 INTERNATIONAL7 141 INTERNATIONAL8 142 INTERNATIONAL9 143 LANG1 144 LANG2 145 LANG3 146 LANG4 147 LANG5 148 LANG6 149 LANG7 150 LANG8 151 LANG9 152 ALTERASE 153 SYSREQ 154 CANCEL 155 CLEAR 156 PRIOR 157 RETURN2 158 SEPARATOR 159 OUT 160 OPER 161 CLEARAGAIN 162 CRSEL 163 EXSEL 164 KP_00 176 KP_000 177 THOUSANDSSEPARATOR 178 DECIMALSEPARATOR 179 CURRENCYUNIT 180 CURRENCYSUBUNIT 181 KP_LEFTPAREN 182 KP_RIGHTPAREN 183 KP_LEFTBRACE 184 KP_RIGHTBRACE 185 KP_TAB 186 KP_BACKSPACE 187 KP_A 188 KP_B 189 KP_C 190 KP_D 191 KP_E 192 KP_F 193 KP_XOR 194 KP_POWER 195 KP_PERCENT 196 KP_LESS 197 KP_GREATER 198 KP_AMPERSAND 199 KP_DBLAMPERSAND 200 KP_VERTICALBAR 201 KP_DBLVERTICALBAR 202 KP_COLON 203 KP_HASH 204 KP_SPACE 205 KP_AT 206 KP_EXCLAM 207 KP_MEMSTORE 208 KP_MEMRECALL 209 KP_MEMCLEAR 210 KP_MEMADD 211 KP_MEMSUBTRACT 212 KP_MEMMULTIPLY 213 KP_MEMDIVIDE 214 KP_PLUSMINUS 215 KP_CLEAR 216 KP_CLEARENTRY 217 KP_BINARY 218 KP_OCTAL 219 KP_DECIMAL 220 KP_HEXADECIMAL 221 LCTRL 224 LSHIFT 225 LALT 226 LGUI 227 RCTRL 228 RSHIFT 229 RALT 230 RGUI 231 MODE 257 AUDIONEXT 258 AUDIOPREV 259 AUDIOSTOP 260 AUDIOPLAY 261 AUDIOMUTE 262 MEDIASELECT 263 WWW 264 MAIL 265 CALCULATOR 266 COMPUTER 267 AC_SEARCH 268 AC_HOME 269 AC_BACK 270 AC_FORWARD 271 AC_STOP 272 AC_REFRESH 273 AC_BOOKMARKS 274 BRIGHTNESSDOWN 275 BRIGHTNESSUP 276 DISPLAYSWITCH 277 KBDILLUMTOGGLE 278 KBDILLUMDOWN 279 KBDILLUMUP 280 EJECT 281 SLEEP 282 APP1 283 APP2 284 ================== === """ # --- SDL scancodes --- UNKNOWN = 0 A = 4 B = 5 C = 6 D = 7 E = 8 F = 9 G = 10 H = 11 I = 12 # noqa: E741 J = 13 K = 14 L = 15 M = 16 N = 17 O = 18 # noqa: E741 P = 19 Q = 20 R = 21 S = 22 T = 23 U = 24 V = 25 W = 26 X = 27 Y = 28 Z = 29 N1 = 30 N2 = 31 N3 = 32 N4 = 33 N5 = 34 N6 = 35 N7 = 36 N8 = 37 N9 = 38 N0 = 39 RETURN = 40 ESCAPE = 41 BACKSPACE = 42 TAB = 43 SPACE = 44 MINUS = 45 EQUALS = 46 LEFTBRACKET = 47 RIGHTBRACKET = 48 BACKSLASH = 49 NONUSHASH = 50 SEMICOLON = 51 APOSTROPHE = 52 GRAVE = 53 COMMA = 54 PERIOD = 55 SLASH = 56 CAPSLOCK = 57 F1 = 58 F2 = 59 F3 = 60 F4 = 61 F5 = 62 F6 = 63 F7 = 64 F8 = 65 F9 = 66 F10 = 67 F11 = 68 F12 = 69 PRINTSCREEN = 70 SCROLLLOCK = 71 PAUSE = 72 INSERT = 73 HOME = 74 PAGEUP = 75 DELETE = 76 END = 77 PAGEDOWN = 78 RIGHT = 79 LEFT = 80 DOWN = 81 UP = 82 NUMLOCKCLEAR = 83 KP_DIVIDE = 84 KP_MULTIPLY = 85 KP_MINUS = 86 KP_PLUS = 87 KP_ENTER = 88 KP_1 = 89 KP_2 = 90 KP_3 = 91 KP_4 = 92 KP_5 = 93 KP_6 = 94 KP_7 = 95 KP_8 = 96 KP_9 = 97 KP_0 = 98 KP_PERIOD = 99 NONUSBACKSLASH = 100 APPLICATION = 101 POWER = 102 KP_EQUALS = 103 F13 = 104 F14 = 105 F15 = 106 F16 = 107 F17 = 108 F18 = 109 F19 = 110 F20 = 111 F21 = 112 F22 = 113 F23 = 114 F24 = 115 EXECUTE = 116 HELP = 117 MENU = 118 SELECT = 119 STOP = 120 AGAIN = 121 UNDO = 122 CUT = 123 COPY = 124 PASTE = 125 FIND = 126 MUTE = 127 VOLUMEUP = 128 VOLUMEDOWN = 129 KP_COMMA = 133 KP_EQUALSAS400 = 134 INTERNATIONAL1 = 135 INTERNATIONAL2 = 136 INTERNATIONAL3 = 137 INTERNATIONAL4 = 138 INTERNATIONAL5 = 139 INTERNATIONAL6 = 140 INTERNATIONAL7 = 141 INTERNATIONAL8 = 142 INTERNATIONAL9 = 143 LANG1 = 144 LANG2 = 145 LANG3 = 146 LANG4 = 147 LANG5 = 148 LANG6 = 149 LANG7 = 150 LANG8 = 151 LANG9 = 152 ALTERASE = 153 SYSREQ = 154 CANCEL = 155 CLEAR = 156 PRIOR = 157 RETURN2 = 158 SEPARATOR = 159 OUT = 160 OPER = 161 CLEARAGAIN = 162 CRSEL = 163 EXSEL = 164 KP_00 = 176 KP_000 = 177 THOUSANDSSEPARATOR = 178 DECIMALSEPARATOR = 179 CURRENCYUNIT = 180 CURRENCYSUBUNIT = 181 KP_LEFTPAREN = 182 KP_RIGHTPAREN = 183 KP_LEFTBRACE = 184 KP_RIGHTBRACE = 185 KP_TAB = 186 KP_BACKSPACE = 187 KP_A = 188 KP_B = 189 KP_C = 190 KP_D = 191 KP_E = 192 KP_F = 193 KP_XOR = 194 KP_POWER = 195 KP_PERCENT = 196 KP_LESS = 197 KP_GREATER = 198 KP_AMPERSAND = 199 KP_DBLAMPERSAND = 200 KP_VERTICALBAR = 201 KP_DBLVERTICALBAR = 202 KP_COLON = 203 KP_HASH = 204 KP_SPACE = 205 KP_AT = 206 KP_EXCLAM = 207 KP_MEMSTORE = 208 KP_MEMRECALL = 209 KP_MEMCLEAR = 210 KP_MEMADD = 211 KP_MEMSUBTRACT = 212 KP_MEMMULTIPLY = 213 KP_MEMDIVIDE = 214 KP_PLUSMINUS = 215 KP_CLEAR = 216 KP_CLEARENTRY = 217 KP_BINARY = 218 KP_OCTAL = 219 KP_DECIMAL = 220 KP_HEXADECIMAL = 221 LCTRL = 224 LSHIFT = 225 LALT = 226 LGUI = 227 RCTRL = 228 RSHIFT = 229 RALT = 230 RGUI = 231 MODE = 257 AUDIONEXT = 258 AUDIOPREV = 259 AUDIOSTOP = 260 AUDIOPLAY = 261 AUDIOMUTE = 262 MEDIASELECT = 263 WWW = 264 MAIL = 265 CALCULATOR = 266 COMPUTER = 267 AC_SEARCH = 268 AC_HOME = 269 AC_BACK = 270 AC_FORWARD = 271 AC_STOP = 272 AC_REFRESH = 273 AC_BOOKMARKS = 274 BRIGHTNESSDOWN = 275 BRIGHTNESSUP = 276 DISPLAYSWITCH = 277 KBDILLUMTOGGLE = 278 KBDILLUMDOWN = 279 KBDILLUMUP = 280 EJECT = 281 SLEEP = 282 APP1 = 283 APP2 = 284 AUDIOREWIND = 285 AUDIOFASTFORWARD = 286 # --- end --- @property def label(self) -> str: """Return a human-readable name of a key based on its scancode. Be sure not to confuse this with ``.name``, which will return the enum name rather than the human-readable name. .. seealso:: :any:`KeySym.label` """ return self.keysym.label @property def keysym(self) -> KeySym: """Return a :class:`KeySym` from a scancode. Based on the current keyboard layout. """ _init_sdl_video() return KeySym(lib.SDL_GetKeyFromScancode(self.value)) @property def scancode(self) -> Scancode: """Return a scancode from a keycode. Returns itself since it is already a :class:`Scancode`. .. seealso:: :any:`KeySym.scancode` """ return self @classmethod def _missing_(cls, value: object) -> Scancode | None: if not isinstance(value, int): return None result = cls(0) result._value_ = value return result def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool: if isinstance(other, KeySym): msg = "Scancode and KeySym enums can not be compared directly. Convert one or the other to the same type." raise TypeError(msg) return super().__eq__(other) def __hash__(self) -> int: # __eq__ was defined, so __hash__ must be defined. return super().__hash__()
[docs] def __repr__(self) -> str: """Return the fully qualified name of this enum.""" return f"tcod.event.{self.__class__.__name__}.{}"
[docs] class KeySym(enum.IntEnum): """Keyboard constants based on their symbol. These names are derived from SDL except for the numbers which are prefixed with ``N`` (since raw numbers can not be a Python name.) .. versionadded:: 12.3 ================== ========== UNKNOWN 0 BACKSPACE 8 TAB 9 RETURN 13 ESCAPE 27 SPACE 32 EXCLAIM 33 QUOTEDBL 34 HASH 35 DOLLAR 36 PERCENT 37 AMPERSAND 38 QUOTE 39 LEFTPAREN 40 RIGHTPAREN 41 ASTERISK 42 PLUS 43 COMMA 44 MINUS 45 PERIOD 46 SLASH 47 N0 48 N1 49 N2 50 N3 51 N4 52 N5 53 N6 54 N7 55 N8 56 N9 57 COLON 58 SEMICOLON 59 LESS 60 EQUALS 61 GREATER 62 QUESTION 63 AT 64 LEFTBRACKET 91 BACKSLASH 92 RIGHTBRACKET 93 CARET 94 UNDERSCORE 95 BACKQUOTE 96 a 97 b 98 c 99 d 100 e 101 f 102 g 103 h 104 i 105 j 106 k 107 l 108 m 109 n 110 o 111 p 112 q 113 r 114 s 115 t 116 u 117 v 118 w 119 x 120 y 121 z 122 DELETE 127 SCANCODE_MASK 1073741824 CAPSLOCK 1073741881 F1 1073741882 F2 1073741883 F3 1073741884 F4 1073741885 F5 1073741886 F6 1073741887 F7 1073741888 F8 1073741889 F9 1073741890 F10 1073741891 F11 1073741892 F12 1073741893 PRINTSCREEN 1073741894 SCROLLLOCK 1073741895 PAUSE 1073741896 INSERT 1073741897 HOME 1073741898 PAGEUP 1073741899 END 1073741901 PAGEDOWN 1073741902 RIGHT 1073741903 LEFT 1073741904 DOWN 1073741905 UP 1073741906 NUMLOCKCLEAR 1073741907 KP_DIVIDE 1073741908 KP_MULTIPLY 1073741909 KP_MINUS 1073741910 KP_PLUS 1073741911 KP_ENTER 1073741912 KP_1 1073741913 KP_2 1073741914 KP_3 1073741915 KP_4 1073741916 KP_5 1073741917 KP_6 1073741918 KP_7 1073741919 KP_8 1073741920 KP_9 1073741921 KP_0 1073741922 KP_PERIOD 1073741923 APPLICATION 1073741925 POWER 1073741926 KP_EQUALS 1073741927 F13 1073741928 F14 1073741929 F15 1073741930 F16 1073741931 F17 1073741932 F18 1073741933 F19 1073741934 F20 1073741935 F21 1073741936 F22 1073741937 F23 1073741938 F24 1073741939 EXECUTE 1073741940 HELP 1073741941 MENU 1073741942 SELECT 1073741943 STOP 1073741944 AGAIN 1073741945 UNDO 1073741946 CUT 1073741947 COPY 1073741948 PASTE 1073741949 FIND 1073741950 MUTE 1073741951 VOLUMEUP 1073741952 VOLUMEDOWN 1073741953 KP_COMMA 1073741957 KP_EQUALSAS400 1073741958 ALTERASE 1073741977 SYSREQ 1073741978 CANCEL 1073741979 CLEAR 1073741980 PRIOR 1073741981 RETURN2 1073741982 SEPARATOR 1073741983 OUT 1073741984 OPER 1073741985 CLEARAGAIN 1073741986 CRSEL 1073741987 EXSEL 1073741988 KP_00 1073742000 KP_000 1073742001 THOUSANDSSEPARATOR 1073742002 DECIMALSEPARATOR 1073742003 CURRENCYUNIT 1073742004 CURRENCYSUBUNIT 1073742005 KP_LEFTPAREN 1073742006 KP_RIGHTPAREN 1073742007 KP_LEFTBRACE 1073742008 KP_RIGHTBRACE 1073742009 KP_TAB 1073742010 KP_BACKSPACE 1073742011 KP_A 1073742012 KP_B 1073742013 KP_C 1073742014 KP_D 1073742015 KP_E 1073742016 KP_F 1073742017 KP_XOR 1073742018 KP_POWER 1073742019 KP_PERCENT 1073742020 KP_LESS 1073742021 KP_GREATER 1073742022 KP_AMPERSAND 1073742023 KP_DBLAMPERSAND 1073742024 KP_VERTICALBAR 1073742025 KP_DBLVERTICALBAR 1073742026 KP_COLON 1073742027 KP_HASH 1073742028 KP_SPACE 1073742029 KP_AT 1073742030 KP_EXCLAM 1073742031 KP_MEMSTORE 1073742032 KP_MEMRECALL 1073742033 KP_MEMCLEAR 1073742034 KP_MEMADD 1073742035 KP_MEMSUBTRACT 1073742036 KP_MEMMULTIPLY 1073742037 KP_MEMDIVIDE 1073742038 KP_PLUSMINUS 1073742039 KP_CLEAR 1073742040 KP_CLEARENTRY 1073742041 KP_BINARY 1073742042 KP_OCTAL 1073742043 KP_DECIMAL 1073742044 KP_HEXADECIMAL 1073742045 LCTRL 1073742048 LSHIFT 1073742049 LALT 1073742050 LGUI 1073742051 RCTRL 1073742052 RSHIFT 1073742053 RALT 1073742054 RGUI 1073742055 MODE 1073742081 AUDIONEXT 1073742082 AUDIOPREV 1073742083 AUDIOSTOP 1073742084 AUDIOPLAY 1073742085 AUDIOMUTE 1073742086 MEDIASELECT 1073742087 WWW 1073742088 MAIL 1073742089 CALCULATOR 1073742090 COMPUTER 1073742091 AC_SEARCH 1073742092 AC_HOME 1073742093 AC_BACK 1073742094 AC_FORWARD 1073742095 AC_STOP 1073742096 AC_REFRESH 1073742097 AC_BOOKMARKS 1073742098 BRIGHTNESSDOWN 1073742099 BRIGHTNESSUP 1073742100 DISPLAYSWITCH 1073742101 KBDILLUMTOGGLE 1073742102 KBDILLUMDOWN 1073742103 KBDILLUMUP 1073742104 EJECT 1073742105 SLEEP 1073742106 ================== ========== """ # --- SDL keyboard symbols --- UNKNOWN = 0 BACKSPACE = 8 TAB = 9 RETURN = 13 ESCAPE = 27 SPACE = 32 EXCLAIM = 33 QUOTEDBL = 34 HASH = 35 DOLLAR = 36 PERCENT = 37 AMPERSAND = 38 QUOTE = 39 LEFTPAREN = 40 RIGHTPAREN = 41 ASTERISK = 42 PLUS = 43 COMMA = 44 MINUS = 45 PERIOD = 46 SLASH = 47 N0 = 48 N1 = 49 N2 = 50 N3 = 51 N4 = 52 N5 = 53 N6 = 54 N7 = 55 N8 = 56 N9 = 57 COLON = 58 SEMICOLON = 59 LESS = 60 EQUALS = 61 GREATER = 62 QUESTION = 63 AT = 64 LEFTBRACKET = 91 BACKSLASH = 92 RIGHTBRACKET = 93 CARET = 94 UNDERSCORE = 95 BACKQUOTE = 96 a = 97 b = 98 c = 99 d = 100 e = 101 f = 102 g = 103 h = 104 i = 105 j = 106 k = 107 l = 108 # noqa: E741 m = 109 n = 110 o = 111 p = 112 q = 113 r = 114 s = 115 t = 116 u = 117 v = 118 w = 119 x = 120 y = 121 z = 122 DELETE = 127 SCANCODE_MASK = 1073741824 CAPSLOCK = 1073741881 F1 = 1073741882 F2 = 1073741883 F3 = 1073741884 F4 = 1073741885 F5 = 1073741886 F6 = 1073741887 F7 = 1073741888 F8 = 1073741889 F9 = 1073741890 F10 = 1073741891 F11 = 1073741892 F12 = 1073741893 PRINTSCREEN = 1073741894 SCROLLLOCK = 1073741895 PAUSE = 1073741896 INSERT = 1073741897 HOME = 1073741898 PAGEUP = 1073741899 END = 1073741901 PAGEDOWN = 1073741902 RIGHT = 1073741903 LEFT = 1073741904 DOWN = 1073741905 UP = 1073741906 NUMLOCKCLEAR = 1073741907 KP_DIVIDE = 1073741908 KP_MULTIPLY = 1073741909 KP_MINUS = 1073741910 KP_PLUS = 1073741911 KP_ENTER = 1073741912 KP_1 = 1073741913 KP_2 = 1073741914 KP_3 = 1073741915 KP_4 = 1073741916 KP_5 = 1073741917 KP_6 = 1073741918 KP_7 = 1073741919 KP_8 = 1073741920 KP_9 = 1073741921 KP_0 = 1073741922 KP_PERIOD = 1073741923 APPLICATION = 1073741925 POWER = 1073741926 KP_EQUALS = 1073741927 F13 = 1073741928 F14 = 1073741929 F15 = 1073741930 F16 = 1073741931 F17 = 1073741932 F18 = 1073741933 F19 = 1073741934 F20 = 1073741935 F21 = 1073741936 F22 = 1073741937 F23 = 1073741938 F24 = 1073741939 EXECUTE = 1073741940 HELP = 1073741941 MENU = 1073741942 SELECT = 1073741943 STOP = 1073741944 AGAIN = 1073741945 UNDO = 1073741946 CUT = 1073741947 COPY = 1073741948 PASTE = 1073741949 FIND = 1073741950 MUTE = 1073741951 VOLUMEUP = 1073741952 VOLUMEDOWN = 1073741953 KP_COMMA = 1073741957 KP_EQUALSAS400 = 1073741958 ALTERASE = 1073741977 SYSREQ = 1073741978 CANCEL = 1073741979 CLEAR = 1073741980 PRIOR = 1073741981 RETURN2 = 1073741982 SEPARATOR = 1073741983 OUT = 1073741984 OPER = 1073741985 CLEARAGAIN = 1073741986 CRSEL = 1073741987 EXSEL = 1073741988 KP_00 = 1073742000 KP_000 = 1073742001 THOUSANDSSEPARATOR = 1073742002 DECIMALSEPARATOR = 1073742003 CURRENCYUNIT = 1073742004 CURRENCYSUBUNIT = 1073742005 KP_LEFTPAREN = 1073742006 KP_RIGHTPAREN = 1073742007 KP_LEFTBRACE = 1073742008 KP_RIGHTBRACE = 1073742009 KP_TAB = 1073742010 KP_BACKSPACE = 1073742011 KP_A = 1073742012 KP_B = 1073742013 KP_C = 1073742014 KP_D = 1073742015 KP_E = 1073742016 KP_F = 1073742017 KP_XOR = 1073742018 KP_POWER = 1073742019 KP_PERCENT = 1073742020 KP_LESS = 1073742021 KP_GREATER = 1073742022 KP_AMPERSAND = 1073742023 KP_DBLAMPERSAND = 1073742024 KP_VERTICALBAR = 1073742025 KP_DBLVERTICALBAR = 1073742026 KP_COLON = 1073742027 KP_HASH = 1073742028 KP_SPACE = 1073742029 KP_AT = 1073742030 KP_EXCLAM = 1073742031 KP_MEMSTORE = 1073742032 KP_MEMRECALL = 1073742033 KP_MEMCLEAR = 1073742034 KP_MEMADD = 1073742035 KP_MEMSUBTRACT = 1073742036 KP_MEMMULTIPLY = 1073742037 KP_MEMDIVIDE = 1073742038 KP_PLUSMINUS = 1073742039 KP_CLEAR = 1073742040 KP_CLEARENTRY = 1073742041 KP_BINARY = 1073742042 KP_OCTAL = 1073742043 KP_DECIMAL = 1073742044 KP_HEXADECIMAL = 1073742045 LCTRL = 1073742048 LSHIFT = 1073742049 LALT = 1073742050 LGUI = 1073742051 RCTRL = 1073742052 RSHIFT = 1073742053 RALT = 1073742054 RGUI = 1073742055 MODE = 1073742081 AUDIONEXT = 1073742082 AUDIOPREV = 1073742083 AUDIOSTOP = 1073742084 AUDIOPLAY = 1073742085 AUDIOMUTE = 1073742086 MEDIASELECT = 1073742087 WWW = 1073742088 MAIL = 1073742089 CALCULATOR = 1073742090 COMPUTER = 1073742091 AC_SEARCH = 1073742092 AC_HOME = 1073742093 AC_BACK = 1073742094 AC_FORWARD = 1073742095 AC_STOP = 1073742096 AC_REFRESH = 1073742097 AC_BOOKMARKS = 1073742098 BRIGHTNESSDOWN = 1073742099 BRIGHTNESSUP = 1073742100 DISPLAYSWITCH = 1073742101 KBDILLUMTOGGLE = 1073742102 KBDILLUMDOWN = 1073742103 KBDILLUMUP = 1073742104 EJECT = 1073742105 SLEEP = 1073742106 APP1 = 1073742107 APP2 = 1073742108 AUDIOREWIND = 1073742109 AUDIOFASTFORWARD = 1073742110 # --- end --- @property def label(self) -> str: """A human-readable name of a keycode. Returns "" if the keycode doesn't have a name. Be sure not to confuse this with ``.name``, which will return the enum name rather than the human-readable name. Example:: >>> tcod.event.KeySym.F1.label 'F1' >>> tcod.event.KeySym.BACKSPACE.label 'Backspace' """ return str(ffi.string(lib.SDL_GetKeyName(self.value)), encoding="utf-8") @property def keysym(self) -> KeySym: """Return a keycode from a scancode. Returns itself since it is already a :class:`KeySym`. .. seealso:: :any:`Scancode.keysym` """ return self @property def scancode(self) -> Scancode: """Return a scancode from a keycode. Based on the current keyboard layout. """ _init_sdl_video() return Scancode(lib.SDL_GetScancodeFromKey(self.value)) @classmethod def _missing_(cls, value: object) -> KeySym | None: if not isinstance(value, int): return None result = cls(0) result._value_ = value return result def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool: if isinstance(other, Scancode): msg = "Scancode and KeySym enums can not be compared directly. Convert one or the other to the same type." raise TypeError(msg) return super().__eq__(other) def __hash__(self) -> int: # __eq__ was defined, so __hash__ must be defined. return super().__hash__()
[docs] def __repr__(self) -> str: """Return the fully qualified name of this enum.""" return f"tcod.event.{self.__class__.__name__}.{}"
[docs] def __getattr__(name: str) -> int: """Migrate deprecated access of event constants.""" if name.startswith("BUTTON_"): replacement = { "BUTTON_LEFT": MouseButton.LEFT, "BUTTON_MIDDLE": MouseButton.MIDDLE, "BUTTON_RIGHT": MouseButton.RIGHT, "BUTTON_X1": MouseButton.X1, "BUTTON_X2": MouseButton.X2, "BUTTON_LMASK": MouseButtonMask.LEFT, "BUTTON_MMASK": MouseButtonMask.MIDDLE, "BUTTON_RMASK": MouseButtonMask.RIGHT, "BUTTON_X1MASK": MouseButtonMask.X1, "BUTTON_X2MASK": MouseButtonMask.X2, }[name] warnings.warn( "Key constants have been replaced with enums.\n" f"'tcod.event.{name}' should be replaced with 'tcod.event.{replacement!r}'", FutureWarning, stacklevel=2, ) return replacement value: int | None = getattr(tcod.event_constants, name, None) if not value: msg = f"module {__name__!r} has no attribute {name!r}" raise AttributeError(msg) if name.startswith("SCANCODE_"): scancode = name[9:] if scancode.isdigit(): scancode = f"N{scancode}" warnings.warn( "Key constants have been replaced with enums.\n" f"`tcod.event.{name}` should be replaced with `tcod.event.Scancode.{scancode}`", FutureWarning, stacklevel=2, ) elif name.startswith("K_"): sym = name[2:] if sym.isdigit(): sym = f"N{sym}" warnings.warn( "Key constants have been replaced with enums.\n" f"`tcod.event.{name}` should be replaced with `tcod.event.KeySym.{sym}`", FutureWarning, stacklevel=2, ) return value
__all__ = [ # noqa: F405 "Modifier", "Point", "BUTTON_LEFT", "BUTTON_MIDDLE", "BUTTON_RIGHT", "BUTTON_X1", "BUTTON_X2", "BUTTON_LMASK", "BUTTON_MMASK", "BUTTON_RMASK", "BUTTON_X1MASK", "BUTTON_X2MASK", "Event", "Quit", "KeyboardEvent", "KeyDown", "KeyUp", "MouseMotion", "MouseButtonEvent", "MouseButtonDown", "MouseButtonUp", "MouseWheel", "TextInput", "WindowEvent", "WindowMoved", "WindowResized", "JoystickEvent", "JoystickAxis", "JoystickBall", "JoystickHat", "JoystickButton", "JoystickDevice", "ControllerEvent", "ControllerAxis", "ControllerButton", "ControllerDevice", "Undefined", "get", "wait", "get_mouse_state", "add_watch", "remove_watch", "EventDispatch", "get_keyboard_state", "get_modifier_state", "Scancode", "KeySym", # --- From --- "KMOD_NONE", "KMOD_LSHIFT", "KMOD_RSHIFT", "KMOD_SHIFT", "KMOD_LCTRL", "KMOD_RCTRL", "KMOD_CTRL", "KMOD_LALT", "KMOD_RALT", "KMOD_ALT", "KMOD_LGUI", "KMOD_RGUI", "KMOD_GUI", "KMOD_NUM", "KMOD_CAPS", "KMOD_MODE", "KMOD_RESERVED", "MOUSEWHEEL_NORMAL", "MOUSEWHEEL_FLIPPED", "MOUSEWHEEL", ]