Source code for tcod.random

Usually it's recommend to the Python's standard library `random` module
instead of this one.

However, you will need to use these generators to get deterministic results
from the :any:`Noise` and :any:`BSP` classes.
import random
from typing import Any, Hashable, Optional

import tcod.constants
from tcod.loader import ffi, lib

MERSENNE_TWISTER = tcod.constants.RNG_MT

[docs]class Random(object): """The libtcod random number generator. `algorithm` defaults to Mersenne Twister, it can be one of: * tcod.random.MERSENNE_TWISTER * tcod.random.MULTIPLY_WITH_CARRY `seed` is a 32-bit number or any Python hashable object like a string. Using the same seed will cause the generator to return deterministic values. The default `seed` of None will generate a random seed instead. Attributes: random_c (CData): A cffi pointer to a TCOD_random_t object. .. versionchanged:: 9.1 Added `tcod.random.MULTIPLY_WITH_CARRY` constant. `algorithm` parameter now defaults to `tcod.random.MERSENNE_TWISTER`. """ def __init__( self, algorithm: int = MERSENNE_TWISTER, seed: Optional[Hashable] = None, ): """Create a new instance using this algorithm and seed.""" if seed is None: seed = random.getrandbits(32) self.random_c = ffi.gc( ffi.cast( "mersenne_data_t*", lib.TCOD_random_new_from_seed( algorithm, hash(seed) % (1 << 32) ), ), lib.TCOD_random_delete, ) @classmethod def _new_from_cdata(cls, cdata: Any) -> "Random": """Return a new instance encapsulating this cdata.""" self = object.__new__(cls) # type: "Random" self.random_c = cdata return self
[docs] def randint(self, low: int, high: int) -> int: """Return a random integer within the linear range: low <= n <= high. Args: low (int): The lower bound of the random range. high (int): The upper bound of the random range. Returns: int: A random integer. """ return int(lib.TCOD_random_get_i(self.random_c, low, high))
[docs] def uniform(self, low: float, high: float) -> float: """Return a random floating number in the range: low <= n <= high. Args: low (float): The lower bound of the random range. high (float): The upper bound of the random range. Returns: float: A random float. """ return float(lib.TCOD_random_get_double(self.random_c, low, high))
[docs] def guass(self, mu: float, sigma: float) -> float: """Return a random number using Gaussian distribution. Args: mu (float): The median returned value. sigma (float): The standard deviation. Returns: float: A random float. """ return float( lib.TCOD_random_get_gaussian_double(self.random_c, mu, sigma) )
[docs] def inverse_guass(self, mu: float, sigma: float) -> float: """Return a random Gaussian number using the Box-Muller transform. Args: mu (float): The median returned value. sigma (float): The standard deviation. Returns: float: A random float. """ return float( lib.TCOD_random_get_gaussian_double_inv(self.random_c, mu, sigma) )
[docs] def __getstate__(self) -> Any: """Pack the self.random_c attribute into a portable state.""" state = self.__dict__.copy() state["random_c"] = { "algo": self.random_c.algo, "distribution": self.random_c.distribution, "mt": list(, "cur_mt": self.random_c.cur_mt, "Q": list(self.random_c.Q), "c": self.random_c.c, "cur": self.random_c.cur, } return state
[docs] def __setstate__(self, state: Any) -> None: """Create a new cdata object with the stored paramaters.""" try: cdata = state["random_c"] except KeyError: # old/deprecated format cdata = state["cdata"] del state["cdata"] state["random_c"] ="mersenne_data_t*", cdata) self.__dict__.update(state)