Source code for

    Rogue-like map utilitys such as line-of-sight, field-of-view, and path-finding.

    .. deprecated:: 3.2
        The features provided here are better realized in the
        :any:`` and :any:`tcod.path` modules.

from __future__ import absolute_import

import itertools as _itertools
import math as _math

import numpy as np

from tcod import ffi as _ffi
from tcod import lib as _lib
from tcod import ffi, lib

from tcod._internal import deprecate
import tcod.path
import tdl as _tdl
from . import style as _style

             'PERMISSIVE': 11}

def _get_fov_type(fov):
    "Return a FOV from a string"
    oldFOV = fov
    fov = str(fov).upper()
    if fov in _FOVTYPES:
        return _FOVTYPES[fov]
    if fov[:10] == 'PERMISSIVE' and fov[10].isdigit() and fov[10] != '9':
        return 4 + int(fov[10])
    raise _tdl.TDLError('No such fov option as %s' % oldFOV)

[docs]class Map( """Field-of-view and path-finding on stored data. .. versionchanged:: 4.1 `transparent`, `walkable`, and `fov` are now numpy boolean arrays. .. versionchanged:: 4.3 Added `order` parameter. .. deprecated:: 3.2 :any:`` should be used instead. Set map conditions with the walkable and transparency attributes, this object can be iterated and checked for containment similar to consoles. For example, you can set all tiles and transparent and walkable with the following code: Example: >>> import >>> map_ =, 60) >>> map_.transparent[:] = True >>> map_.walkable[:] = True Attributes: transparent: Map transparency Access this attribute with ``map.transparent[x,y]`` Set to True to allow field-of-view rays, False will block field-of-view. Transparent tiles only affect field-of-view. walkable: Map accessibility Access this attribute with ``map.walkable[x,y]`` Set to True to allow path-finding through that tile, False will block passage to that tile. Walkable tiles only affect path-finding. fov: Map tiles touched by a field-of-view computation. Access this attribute with ``map.fov[x,y]`` Is True if a the tile is if view, otherwise False. You can set to this attribute if you want, but you'll typically be using it to read the field-of-view of a :any:`compute_fov` call. """ def __init__(self, width, height, order='F'): super(Map, self).__init__(width, height, order)
[docs] def compute_fov(self, x, y, fov='PERMISSIVE', radius=None, light_walls=True, sphere=True, cumulative=False): """Compute the field-of-view of this Map and return an iterator of the points touched. Args: x (int): Point of view, x-coordinate. y (int): Point of view, y-coordinate. fov (Text): The type of field-of-view to be used. Available types are: 'BASIC', 'DIAMOND', 'SHADOW', 'RESTRICTIVE', 'PERMISSIVE', 'PERMISSIVE0', 'PERMISSIVE1', ..., 'PERMISSIVE8' radius (Optional[int]): Maximum view distance from the point of view. A value of 0 will give an infinite distance. light_walls (bool): Light up walls, or only the floor. sphere (bool): If True the lit area will be round instead of square. cumulative (bool): If True the lit cells will accumulate instead of being cleared before the computation. Returns: Iterator[Tuple[int, int]]: An iterator of (x, y) points of tiles touched by the field-of-view. """ # refresh cdata if radius is None: # infinite radius radius = 0 if cumulative: fov_copy = self.fov.copy() lib.TCOD_map_compute_fov( self.map_c, x, y, radius, light_walls, _get_fov_type(fov)) if cumulative: self.fov[:] |= fov_copy return zip(*np.where(self.fov))
[docs] def compute_path(self, start_x, start_y, dest_x, dest_y, diagonal_cost=_math.sqrt(2)): """Get the shortest path between two points. Args: start_x (int): Starting x-position. start_y (int): Starting y-position. dest_x (int): Destination x-position. dest_y (int): Destination y-position. diagonal_cost (float): Multiplier for diagonal movement. Can be set to zero to disable diagonal movement entirely. Returns: List[Tuple[int, int]]: The shortest list of points to the destination position from the starting position. The start point is not included in this list. """ return tcod.path.AStar(self, diagonal_cost).get_path(start_x, start_y, dest_x, dest_y)
def __iter__(self): return _itertools.product(range(self.width), range(self.height)) def __contains__(self, position): x, y = position return (0 <= x < self.width) and (0 <= y < self.height)
[docs]class AStar(tcod.path.AStar): """An A* pathfinder using a callback. .. deprecated:: 3.2 See :any:`tcod.path`. Before creating this instance you should make one of two types of callbacks: - A function that returns the cost to move to (x, y) - A function that returns the cost to move between (destX, destY, sourceX, sourceY) If path is blocked the function should return zero or None. When using the second type of callback be sure to set advanced=True Args: width (int): Width of the pathfinding area (in tiles.) height (int): Height of the pathfinding area (in tiles.) callback (Union[Callable[[int, int], float], Callable[[int, int, int, int], float]]): A callback returning the cost of a tile or edge. A callback taking parameters depending on the setting of 'advanced' and returning the cost of movement for an open tile or zero for a blocked tile. diagnalCost (float): Multiplier for diagonal movement. Can be set to zero to disable diagonal movement entirely. advanced (bool): Give 2 additional parameters to the callback. A simple callback with 2 positional parameters may not provide enough information. Setting this to True will call the callback with 2 additional parameters giving you both the destination and the source of movement. When True the callback will need to accept (destX, destY, sourceX, sourceY) as parameters. Instead of just (destX, destY). """ class __DeprecatedEdgeCost(tcod.path.EdgeCostCallback): _CALLBACK_P = lib._pycall_path_swap_src_dest class __DeprecatedNodeCost(tcod.path.EdgeCostCallback): _CALLBACK_P = lib._pycall_path_dest_only def __init__(self, width, height, callback, diagnalCost=_math.sqrt(2), advanced=False): if advanced: cost = self.__DeprecatedEdgeCost(callback, (width, height)) else: cost = self.__DeprecatedNodeCost(callback, (width, height)) super(AStar, self).__init__(cost, diagnalCost or 0.0)
[docs] def get_path(self, origX, origY, destX, destY): """ Get the shortest path from origXY to destXY. Returns: List[Tuple[int, int]]: Returns a list walking the path from orig to dest. This excludes the starting point and includes the destination. If no path is found then an empty list is returned. """ return super(AStar, self).get_path(origX, origY, destX, destY)
[docs]@deprecate("This function is very slow.") def quick_fov(x, y, callback, fov='PERMISSIVE', radius=7.5, lightWalls=True, sphere=True): """All field-of-view functionality in one call. Before using this call be sure to make a function, lambda, or method that takes 2 positional parameters and returns True if light can pass through the tile or False for light-blocking tiles and for indexes that are out of bounds of the dungeon. This function is 'quick' as in no hassle but can quickly become a very slow function call if a large radius is used or the callback provided itself isn't optimized. Always check if the index is in bounds both in the callback and in the returned values. These values can go into the negatives as well. Args: x (int): x center of the field-of-view y (int): y center of the field-of-view callback (Callable[[int, int], bool]): This should be a function that takes two positional arguments x,y and returns True if the tile at that position is transparent or False if the tile blocks light or is out of bounds. fov (Text): The type of field-of-view to be used. Available types are: 'BASIC', 'DIAMOND', 'SHADOW', 'RESTRICTIVE', 'PERMISSIVE', 'PERMISSIVE0', 'PERMISSIVE1', ..., 'PERMISSIVE8' radius (float) Radius of the field-of-view. When sphere is True a floating point can be used to fine-tune the range. Otherwise the radius is just rounded up. Be careful as a large radius has an exponential affect on how long this function takes. lightWalls (bool): Include or exclude wall tiles in the field-of-view. sphere (bool): True for a spherical field-of-view. False for a square one. Returns: Set[Tuple[int, int]]: A set of (x, y) points that are within the field-of-view. """ trueRadius = radius radius = int(_math.ceil(radius)) mapSize = radius * 2 + 1 fov = _get_fov_type(fov) setProp = _lib.TCOD_map_set_properties # make local inFOV = _lib.TCOD_map_is_in_fov tcodMap = _lib.TCOD_map_new(mapSize, mapSize) try: # pass no.1, write callback data to the tcodMap for x_, y_ in _itertools.product(range(mapSize), range(mapSize)): pos = (x_ + x - radius, y_ + y - radius) transparent = bool(callback(*pos)) setProp(tcodMap, x_, y_, transparent, False) # pass no.2, compute fov and build a list of points _lib.TCOD_map_compute_fov(tcodMap, radius, radius, radius, lightWalls, fov) touched = set() # points touched by field of view for x_, y_ in _itertools.product(range(mapSize), range(mapSize)): if sphere and _math.hypot(x_ - radius, y_ - radius) > trueRadius: continue if inFOV(tcodMap, x_, y_): touched.add((x_ + x - radius, y_ + y - radius)) finally: _lib.TCOD_map_delete(tcodMap) return touched
[docs]def bresenham(x1, y1, x2, y2): """ Return a list of points in a bresenham line. Implementation hastily copied from RogueBasin. Returns: List[Tuple[int, int]]: A list of (x, y) points, including both the start and end-points. """ points = [] issteep = abs(y2-y1) > abs(x2-x1) if issteep: x1, y1 = y1, x1 x2, y2 = y2, x2 rev = False if x1 > x2: x1, x2 = x2, x1 y1, y2 = y2, y1 rev = True deltax = x2 - x1 deltay = abs(y2-y1) error = int(deltax / 2) y = y1 ystep = None if y1 < y2: ystep = 1 else: ystep = -1 for x in range(x1, x2 + 1): if issteep: points.append((y, x)) else: points.append((x, y)) error -= deltay if error < 0: y += ystep error += deltax # Reverse the list if the coordinates were reversed if rev: points.reverse() return points
quickFOV = _style.backport(quick_fov) AStar.getPath = _style.backport(AStar.get_path)